Mod_rewrite is your best friend, if you've got Apache.  Someone has
mentioned a port for IIS in the form of an ISAPI filter, I belive, but I
don't know.

It's such a snap to set up redirections, whether they're simple (turn a
script name into a fuseaction, for example), or complex, like's /go/xxxx setup or based on request variable (user agent,
ip, etc.).

Best of all, you can opt for external or internal rewrites.
uses external rewrites, which do the same thing as a CFLOCATION, basically,
including changing the browser's address bar.  Internal rewrites let you not
expose the "real" url, keeping it ever hidden behind the public url, though
you do have to be careful with relative links (like for images).


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mauricio Giraldo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 1:29 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re:CMS Solutions (Friendly URL's)
> >While we're on the subject - does anyone know of any good
> >resources/mailings lists - I've been out of the SEO loop for a while
> I second that... Any references to mapping dynamic urls to
> static ones?
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