we were comparing CFDJ to other publications... things in print... you know,
paper.  There was no discussion of a comparison between the content in CFDJ
and online resources before your post, nor should there be one now.  Hell,
if you want to compare the content in CFDJ or any other CFML reference to
the content in one outstanding resource, why would it be builder.com????
I'd say that builder.com doesn't even compare with macromedia.com's online
documentation, devnet, etc.  I think the point was that CFDJ was being
compared with books and periodicals in print.  Some people stated that they
didn't think that it was worth it's price for a year's subscription compared
to the price of some of the books that are out there.  I'm not sure what
that has to do with websites?  There are a lot of great resources out there.
I don't think CFDJ is the best CFML resource in the world, but I do
personally think that what you get for the cost of receiving the magazine
for a year as opposed to one or two of the books on the market is much more
worth the money.  That's just me... and that's what (I thought) we were
debating.  Anyway - this is begining to sound like a thread that belongs on
the CF Community list.


Simon Horwith
CTO, Etrilogy Ltd.
Member of Team Macromedia
Macromedia Certified Instructor
Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer
Certified Flash MX Developer
CFDJList - List Administrator

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 08 January 2004 23:29
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: CFDJ isn't exactly kicking bootay

  Where did you get this "fact" that Builder is not a publication. Are
  you suggesting that Internet sites can't be publications? What is the
  difference between an online magazine and offline one? CFDJ makes
  content available online in addition to print. Does that make it less
  of a publication?

  I don't see any facts in your statement at all. What I do see is bias
  towards to the online publication industry. And it is an industry, that
  is growing, which the offline publishing industry certainly can't say.


  On Jan 8, 2004, at 5:30 PM, Simon Horwith wrote:

  > first of all, Fusebox and Mach II are not CFML - they're frameworks
  > that are
  > written in CFML.  In the interest of conserving bandwidth, ignore that
  > I
  > said that - I don't feel like getting into (nor will I) a discussion
  > about
  > whether or not a forum that talks primaily about FB and MACH II is a
  > CFML
  > forum or not.  What I welcome dialog about is the fact that
  > builder.com is
  > not a publication.
  > ~Simon
  > Simon Horwith
  > CTO, Etrilogy Ltd.
  > Member of Team Macromedia
  > Macromedia Certified Instructor
  > Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer
  > Certified Flash MX Developer
  > CFDJList - List Administrator
  > http://www.how2cf.com/
  >   -----Original Message-----
  >   From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  >   Sent: 08 January 2004 18:19
  >   To: CF-Talk
  >   Subject: Re: CFDJ isn't exactly kicking bootay
  >   > Got any examples? :O)
  >   >
  >   Of publications? Builder.com will pay for content and they have
  >   published quite a bit of CFML related content. In fact, I have even
  >   seen articles related to Fusebox and Mach-II.
  >   -Matt
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