You might have missed an email or something. I wasn't comparing the
content at all. I was disagreeing with you suggesting that someone
should write for CFDJ. See my emails for why I believe writing CFML
content for an online publication would be better.


On Jan 8, 2004, at 6:41 PM, Simon Horwith wrote:

> we were comparing CFDJ to other publications... things in print... you
> know,
> paper.  There was no discussion of a comparison between the content in
> and online resources before your post, nor should there be one
> now.  Hell,
> if you want to compare the content in CFDJ or any other CFML reference
> to
> the content in one outstanding resource, why would it be
> I'd say that doesn't even compare with's
> online
> documentation, devnet, etc.  I think the point was that CFDJ was being
> compared with books and periodicals in print.  Some people stated that
> they
> didn't think that it was worth it's price for a year's subscription
> compared
> to the price of some of the books that are out there.  I'm not sure
> what
> that has to do with websites?  There are a lot of great resources out
> there.
> I don't think CFDJ is the best CFML resource in the world, but I do
> personally think that what you get for the cost of receiving the
> magazine
> for a year as opposed to one or two of the books on the market is much
> more
> worth the money.  That's just me... and that's what (I thought) we were
> debating.  Anyway - this is begining to sound like a thread that
> belongs on
> the CF Community list.
> ~Simon
> Simon Horwith
> CTO, Etrilogy Ltd.
> Member of Team Macromedia
> Macromedia Certified Instructor
> Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer
> Certified Flash MX Developer
> CFDJList - List Administrator
>   -----Original Message-----
>   From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Sent: 08 January 2004 23:29
>   To: CF-Talk
>   Subject: Re: CFDJ isn't exactly kicking bootay
>   Where did you get this "fact" that Builder is not a publication. Are
>   you suggesting that Internet sites can't be publications? What is the
>   difference between an online magazine and offline one? CFDJ makes
>   content available online in addition to print. Does that make it less
>   of a publication?
>   I don't see any facts in your statement at all. What I do see is bias
>   towards to the online publication industry. And it is an industry,
> that
>   is growing, which the offline publishing industry certainly can't
> say.
>   -Matt
>   On Jan 8, 2004, at 5:30 PM, Simon Horwith wrote:
>   > first of all, Fusebox and Mach II are not CFML - they're frameworks
>   > that are
>   > written in CFML.  In the interest of conserving bandwidth, ignore
> that
>   > I
>   > said that - I don't feel like getting into (nor will I) a
> discussion
>   > about
>   > whether or not a forum that talks primaily about FB and MACH II is
> a
>   > CFML
>   > forum or not.  What I welcome dialog about is the fact that
>   > is
>   > not a publication.
>   >
>   > ~Simon
>   >
>   > Simon Horwith
>   > CTO, Etrilogy Ltd.
>   > Member of Team Macromedia
>   > Macromedia Certified Instructor
>   > Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer
>   > Certified Flash MX Developer
>   > CFDJList - List Administrator
>   >
>   >
>   >   -----Original Message-----
>   >   From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   >   Sent: 08 January 2004 18:19
>   >   To: CF-Talk
>   >   Subject: Re: CFDJ isn't exactly kicking bootay
>   >
>   >   > Got any examples? :O)
>   >   >
>   >   Of publications? will pay for content and they have
>   >   published quite a bit of CFML related content. In fact, I have
> even
>   >   seen articles related to Fusebox and Mach-II.
>   >
>   >   -Matt
>   >
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