LOL...nice ;-)

Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
VP & Director of E-Commerce Development
Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
t. 250.920.8830

Macromedia Associate Partner
Vancouver Island ColdFusion Users Group
Founder & Director
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Simon Horwith
  To: CF-Talk
  Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 4:10 PM
  Subject: RE: CFDJ isn't exactly kicking bootay

  sorry, I haven't used iText, but if anyone wants to submit an article
  proposal - go for it.

  Simon Horwith
  CTO, Etrilogy Ltd.
  Member of Team Macromedia
  Macromedia Certified Instructor
  Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer
  Certified Flash MX Developer
  CFDJList - List Administrator

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Bryan Stevenson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Sent: 08 January 2004 23:50
    To: CF-Talk
    Subject: Re: CFDJ isn't exactly kicking bootay

      sure am glad this CFDJ thread is overshadowing the technical issues's very important you know

    Why don't you immensely bright opinionated people help us out.  I've got a
  hell of a problem with trying to get the iText library working on Linux with
  CFMX Standard....please see "Re: iText.jar/CFMX 6.1 Std/Linux"  any insight
  would be greatly appreciated...and hey...mabye you could all write an
  article about it when you're done ;-)



    Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
    VP & Director of E-Commerce Development
    Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
    t. 250.920.8830

    Macromedia Associate Partner
    Vancouver Island ColdFusion Users Group
    Founder & Director
      ----- Original Message -----
      From: Simon Horwith
      To: CF-Talk
      Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 3:42 PM
      Subject: RE: CFDJ isn't exactly kicking bootay

      I posted a link - why don't you write an article?  Personally, I'd love
      see one from you.


      Simon Horwith
      CTO, Etrilogy Ltd.
      Member of Team Macromedia
      Macromedia Certified Instructor
      Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer
      Certified Flash MX Developer
      CFDJList - List Administrator

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Sent: 08 January 2004 23:37
        To: CF-Talk
        Subject: Re: CFDJ isn't exactly kicking bootay

        > the majority of those "articles" do little more than mention
        > ColdFusion or
        > CF Functionality, or simply describe CF to non-ColdFusion
        > That's not to say that some of them aren't useful, but if you
        > believe tey are even comparable to the quality of CFDJ articles, you
        > obviously haven't ever read the magazine.
        I never made a quality judgment in regard to either CFDJ or Builder. I
        am simply suggested that other publications such as Builder have
        reputations, higher readership, and actually pay for content. If I was
        a CFML author I would certainly spend my time working with those types
        of publications. Actually, that statement is a little silly. I am a
        CFML author and have written for Builder, DevX, Macromedia, Evolt,
        I hope that you find the quality of my CFML articles up to the quality
        standards that you feel CFDJ has. Further, I hope that other authors
        will consider writing for these online publications since that will
        only increase their quality and more importantly get CFML in front of
        whole new set of eyes. CFDJ certainly won't be exposing the non-CF
        crowd to CFML. Although, MXDJ has a chance in that regard.

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