> Well, the server has been restarted, and the "Quit" command
> does indeed clean up the instance.  However, if I run into
> any errors at all before the Quit command (and I'm expecting
> a few while I'm developing the page), I run into the same
> situation again - the instance of word is not cleaned up, I
> cannot remove it, and a new instance is created when the page
> is loaded again.
> I'm sure someone has created word documents on the fly using
> the office automation tools before (server-side that is), so
> can someone point me to a resource that would help me through
> this process?  Thanks.

Put your processing code into a <CFTRY>, then below it, run the quit()

That way if your code breaks, it'll still end the process, and with some
intelligent coding, you can still see the error generated.
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