Thanks for your input Dave. This is my first time at writing a community, so
the chat page lost me. I was trying soooooooo hard to think about how to end
session management in the case of surfing somewhere else I missed what we
call in my graphic design background the "Elegant Simplicity".

As I said it never was an issue of the user surfing somewhere else, it was
the thought of spending too much time in the chatroom.....

And no, like any online store, you wnat to move the product... There is no
reason to share info from the store to the rest of the site, unless i would
like to query the users personal info for shopping cart reasons, but that
could be done on a seperate application, yet sending that query to the same
database... not as easy as it sounds but you get what I mean...

Thanks again Dave, and the rest of you too that commented. I did come up
with the solution all on my own, but it was presenting the question to those
that would listen that helped


>From: Dave Watts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: session management help please
>Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2004 22:43:17 -0500
> > As an old time chatter myself, I know from experiance, that
> > when you log into a chatroom you can be there anywhere from
> > 5 minutes to a couple of hours. This is the only thing messing
> > with my session management. As I states earlier, I would like
> > to add a who's online link to this site. It would upset me if
> > I logged in a site and it said a friend of mine was online
> > and come to find out they left an hour ago but it still says
> > they ar logged in. So I would need to set my timeout session
> > to about 15 or 20 minutes, as there would be no reason to
> > spend anymore time than that on any given page other than the
> > chatroom page.
>I'm not an expert on chat applications, but most chat software I've seen
>the ability to list who's in the chat room at any given moment - chat
>applications typically maintain a connection to a chat server, and aren't
>limited by how HTTP works. Depending on the API of your chat software, you
>may be able to query it from CF to see who's in what room.
> > DUUUUUHHHHH!!!!! I just had a thought, tell me if this would
> > work. It sounds so simple that it wont work. What if on the
> > chatroom window only I add a extra, very small frame, nothing
> > in it but a little code. I refresh that frame, and that frame
> > only, say every 2 minutes. In that case it should keep the
> > session active, yet should not offer a big bog down in the
> > chat applet. If someone surfs out of the chatroom page, it
> > could load a new page either with out that frame or swap that
> > frame to a page not coded for refresh. In this way useing
> > cookies I could end the session if the browser closes, or by
> > setting my time out the session would end shortly after the
> > user leaves my domain. Will this work? I think it will, tell
> > me what you think.
>This will allow you to maintain the user's session while that user is
>your chat page. This is a pretty common approach to this problem, I think.
>However, it will not end the session when the user goes to a page outside
>your application, as you originally asked.
> > One last quick question for the more expericenced. As you can
> > tell this site will be a online community. It will also offer
> > a e-store. Is it better to write two seperate applications (one
> > for the store and the other to run the site) or, run them under
> > one application?
>If you want to share session data between your store and the rest of the
>site, it's probably easier to have them within a single application.
>Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
>phone: 202-797-5496
>fax: 202-797-5444
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