You can check the HTTP_REFERER to see if they came from your domain or
somewhere else....

So if they come in from anywhere outside of your domain, you can make them
log in.

If you really want to be strict about it, put a redirect in the http header
that will log them out if they are inactive for more than x seconds. On the
logout page you can clear/delete the sessions.

If they leave the site without logging out, then you can delete any
sessions that have been inactive for more than x seconds.

You might chew up a lot of server resources doing this, but you could make
your stats a little more accurate.

Actually, now that i think about it, you don't neecessarily need the
redirect, unless you want to clear the page of whatever was on it....

Hope that helps


At 03:49 PM 1/17/2004, you wrote:
>the reason I would like to end sessions in thos way is the fact that a
>certain page on the site will have a chatroom on it. A user can spend a
>unknown amount of time there, then either surf to other sections of the
>site, of surf somewhere else. if the person does leave the site and then
>returns, I want them to have to sign in again. This is of course for reasons
>of security. I also will be adding a include file that that tells the number
>of active sessions out of the number of registered users. It will also
>include a link to see who is online. As you can see it will be wise to be
>albe to end a session if a user surfs away form the site. Any thoughts on
> >From: "Bob Haroche" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: session management help please
> >Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2004 12:33:46 -0800
> >
> >I'm wondering why Nancy wants to end session variables in the way she
> >describes. Perhaps there are other ways of achieving her goal.
> >
> >For example, perhaps a clunky one, she could set very short lived
> >session variables and refresh them on each page request for another
> >very short period of time. When the visitor leaves her site, the
> >session will end shortly thereafter.
> >
> >
> >-------------
> >Regards,
> >Bob Haroche
> >O n P o i n t  S o l u t i o n s
> >
> >
> >
> >
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