On the same topic, is there a way of checking the file size before CF uploads?  Otherwise you upload a 1mb file only to find that it's over the limit that you wanted to set (eg. 75kb) causing unnecessary bandwidth use.

Can it be done a better way?


---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Dinowitz)
Date:  Fri, 30 Jan 2004 10:08:42 -0400

>CFDIRECTORY returns the file size when you run it.
><CFDIRECTORY ACTION="" DIRECTORY="d:\htdocs\hof" NAME="qFile" FILTER="functions.cfm">
>File Size = qFile.Size
>>Is there a simple way to check a file's size on Linux using CF5?  CFMX
>>6.1 is being  upgraded in the next week or two, so that would work also
>>if you have a solution in that direction.  No tags are disabled.
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