Hi Jerry,

The form is:

<cfinput name="PropertyAgentContactMobile" type="text"
value="#AgentDetails.PropertyAgentContactMobile#" size="25"
maxlength="20" required="no" class="formSTYLE2">

But, because this is an update form, it's being pulled from the database
where the field already is numeric.  I've actually changed it to TEXT
now in the thought that it should have been text as in the real world
there could be characters such as '-' in a telephone number e.g.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 02 February 2004 21:06
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Simple UPDATE Stuff Driving Me Insane...

Can you send us an example of the exact info entered for the mobile
number on the form that throws an error?

It may be that the data being entered for the mobile number is having a
hard time being wedged into a NUMERIC field.

Jerry Johnson

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/02/04 03:35PM >>>
So even though I am not putting that into my UPDATE statement it still
needs something in there?  What if I don't want to put something in
there. the date field is when they signed up.  I don't want to change
it. does that mean I have to read it on the previous form (as hidden
text field) and then update it?

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 02 February 2004 20:18
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Simple UPDATE Stuff Driving Me Insane...

well there is your answer, you are trying to put an empty value in that
date field and its throwing an error, i guarantee it. if i am wrong tony
will pay u $100;)

> Maybe that could be part of the problem as there is a date field but
> only gets filled on the insert when the user first joins up.
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: 02 February 2004 19:02
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Simple UPDATE Stuff Driving Me Insane...
> make sure ur formatting the dates correctly going into the date/time
> fields of the db. access chokes if its empty or formatted wrong
> 99% of the time this is where that error message comes from
>> Hi guys,
>> I've got an update field where I'm. you guessed it, updating a table.
>> I keep getting:
>> [Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver][ODBC Socket][Microsoft][ODBC
>> Microsoft Access Driver] Data type mismatch in criteria _expression_.
>> My code is below:
>> <CFQUERY NAME="AgentDetails" datasource="020">
>> UPDATE PropertyAgent
>> SET PropertyAgentCompanyName = '#Form.PropertyAgentCompanyName#',
>> PropertyAgentFlatNumberHouseName =
>> '#Form.PropertyAgentFlatNumberHouseName#', PropertyAgentStreetNumber
>> #Form.PropertyAgentStreetNumber#, PropertyAgentStreetName =
>> '#Form.PropertyAgentStreetName#', PropertyAgentVillageTown =
>> '#Form.PropertyAgentVillageTown#', PropertyAgentCountyState =
>> '#Form.PropertyAgentCountyState#', PropertyAgentPostcodeZip =
>> '#Form.PropertyAgentPostcodeZip#', PropertyAgentCountry =
>> '#Form.PropertyAgentCountry#', PropertyAgentTelephoneNumber =
>> #Form.PropertyAgentTelephoneNumber#, PropertyAgentContactFirstName =
>> '#Form.PropertyAgentContactFirstName#', PropertyAgentContactSurname =
>> '#Form.PropertyAgentContactSurname#', PropertyAgentContactMobile =
>> #Form.PropertyAgentContactMobile#, PropertyAgentEmailAddress =
>> '#Form.PropertyAgentEmailAddress#'
>> WHERE PropertyAgentID = #Client.PropertyAgentID#
>> My fields which are numbers are PropertyAgentStreetNumber,
>> PropertyAgentTelephoneNumber, PropertyAgentContactMobile.
>> When I change PropertyAgentContactMobile to
>> '#PropertyAgentContactMobile#' and correspondingly change the ACCESS
>> field to TEXT... the update works fine... so it seems like this is
>> problem field as through tests, the others are fine.
>> Any ideas, this is bizarre?  The field attributes seem the same for
>> PropertyAgentContactMobile as they are for the other numeric fields.
>   _____
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