Check the archives for "Bank of America", but in a nutshell:

BofA requires that you have a list of trusted referrers.  You'll find
the BofA server is going to ignore your header assignment.  So add the
BofA server as a trusted referring server and everything will magically
work.  Nice security, huh?  I did this as a temp workaround until BofA
tech staff came back with the same solution; making it permanent.

Don't they have an XML-based system now that doesn't require this
malarkey?  And if you are on CF 6+ you should be able to use their
COM-based system (assuming COM works, of course).  I was running CF 4.5
at the time so I couldn't go there.

Matt Robertson       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MSB Designs, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Muellers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 5:22 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re:Bank of America estores, cfhttp, http_referer, troubles


I'm also having the same problem.  I'd HUGELY appreciate if you would
share how you solved this problem.

Thanks in advance,

>I am trying to set up our new estores code for credit card processing.
>have been using in the past and never had any problems
>However, now I keep getting a message from Bank of America saying:
>"IOC_reject_description=The site that originated the order request is
>authorized to POST transactions."
>I have confirmed that I have put my site domain and IP into their
>configuration setup, so it's not that.
>I know people have mentioned problems with the fact that Bank of
>requires you to send an http_referer header, which I have been trying
to do
>using cfhttpparam. Here is my code:
><CFHTTP URL=""> useragent="Mozilla/4.0
>(compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)" METHOD="post"
>resolveurl="Yes" port="443">
>                <CFHTTPPARAM NAME="http_referer" TYPE="CGI"
>                <CFHTTPPARAM NAME="ioc_merchant_id" TYPE="FormField"
>                <CFHTTPPARAM NAME="ioc_order_total_amount"
>                <CFHTTPPARAM NAME="ecom_billto_postal_name_first"
>TYPE="FormField" VALUE="#ecom_billto_postal_name_first#">
>                <CFHTTPPARAM NAME="ecom_billto_postal_name_last"
>TYPE="FormField" VALUE="#ecom_billto_postal_name_last#">
>                <CFHTTPPARAM NAME="ecom_billto_postal_street_line1"
>TYPE="FormField" VALUE="#ecom_billto_postal_street_line1#">
>                <CFHTTPPARAM NAME="ecom_billto_postal_city"
>                <CFHTTPPARAM NAME="ecom_billto_postal_stateprov"
>TYPE="FormField" VALUE="#ecom_billto_postal_stateprov#">
>                <CFHTTPPARAM NAME="ecom_billto_postal_postalcode"
>TYPE="FormField" VALUE="#ecom_billto_postal_postalcode#">
>                <CFHTTPPARAM NAME="ecom_billto_postal_countrycode"
>TYPE="FormField" VALUE="#ecom_billto_postal_countrycode#">
>                <CFHTTPPARAM NAME="ecom_billto_online_email"
>TYPE="FormField" VALUE="#ecom_billto_online_email#">
>                <CFHTTPPARAM NAME="ecom_payment_card_name"
>                <CFHTTPPARAM NAME="ecom_payment_card_number"
>TYPE="FormField" VALUE="#ecom_payment_card_number#">
>                <CFHTTPPARAM NAME="ecom_payment_card_expdate_month"
>TYPE="FormField" VALUE="#ecom_payment_card_expdate_month#">
>                <CFHTTPPARAM NAME="ecom_payment_card_expdate_year"
>TYPE="FormField" VALUE="#ecom_payment_card_expdate_year#">
>        </CFHTTP>
>Does anyone have any insight into what I may be doing wrong?
>Thank you.
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