It seems there's some disagreement about what the GPL means.  MySQL is
distributed under the GPL, so MySQL AB can't add any restrictions on use
beyond what are already in the license.  If you need to do things that the
GPL doesn't let you (like distribute MySQL as part of a non-GPL software
package, or distribute a modified version of MySQL under non-GPL license),
then MySQL AB also provides commercial licenses for your use.

In general, as long as you're not distributing software, the GPL is very
thin on limitations.  And even if you are distributing something that is
based on or derived from MySQL, you're not limited to a GPL license for that
software as long as it can be considered "reasonably considered independent
and separate works in themselves" (from subsection 2 of the Terms section).

Someone pointed out that as long as your app is not strictly bound to
MySQL-specific syntax (LIMIT clause, for example), then you're safe from
licensing restrictions.  Even if your code uses MySQL-specific syntax, that
doesn't necessarily bind it either.  As long as your code can be considered
it's own separate work (and is distributed separately), then you're fine.
On the flip side, if you have purely non-MySQL-specific application code,
but you distribute it bundled with MySQL, then you ARE bound by the GPL,
even though your app is totally independent of MySQL.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vince Bonfanti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 8:06 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: MySQL and CF
> Not to comment at all on its technical merits, anyone using
> MySQL should be
> familiar with their licensing terms. Specifically, MySQL is
> *not* free for
> commercial development. If you use MySQL for a commercial
> product and don't
> purchase a commercial license, then you run the risk of inadvertently
> releasing your source code for free.
> MySQL is released under GPL, unlike Linux, for example, which
> is released
> under LGPL. Under the LGPL, if you write an application that
> runs on Linux
> you can redistribute that application without releasing the
> source code.
> Under the GPL, however, if you release an application that
> runs on MySQL,
> then you must release the source code of your application.
> Here are the relevant quotes from the MySQL licensing page on
> their web
> site:
> Regarding their Open Source license, which is the GPL:
>     "The Open Source License allows you to use the software
> at no charge
> under the condition that if you use MySQL in an application you
> redistribute, the complete source code for your application must be
> available and freely redistributable under reasonable conditions."
> If you don't want to release the source code of your
> application, you must
> purchase a commercial license:
>     "The Commercial License, which allows you to provide
> commercial software
> licenses to your customers or distribute MySQL-based
> applications within
> your organization. This is for organizations that do not want
> to release the
> source code for their applications as open source / free
> software; in other
> words they do not want to comply with the GNU General Public
> License (GPL)."
> Note that it's not just the MySQL database that's covered under these
> license terms--they also apply to the MySQL JDBC and ODBC
> drivers. (This is
> the reason BlueDragon no longer ships the MySQL JDBC driver).
> So if you use MySQL--be careful. If you don't purchase a
> commercial license,
> anyone can demand that you give them your source code under
> the terms of the
> GPL license.
> Vince Bonfanti
> New Atlanta Communications, LLC
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