OK, I'm trying to write a hefty query and having a bit of trouble.

I'm trying to find the highest rated items (max of 10 and based on an
average of all the times that item was rated). Since many of the top
rated items will have the same rating, and I need to choose the "top"
10, I further want to base it on traffic to that item.

So said another way:

-          Calculate average rating for every distinct item, based on
multiple record entries per item

-          Find the highest rated

-          If the top 10 items have the same average rating, then take
the traffic each of those items has received and rank based on that

I have two tables that are in question:

Reviews (the ratings table)

-          rating

-          LinkIDFK2

Traffic (the table that hold traffic data for each item)

-          LinkIDFK (same thing as LinkIDFK2 above)

-          Hits (traffic number)

Any ideas what this query might look like?

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