Jake McKee wrote:
> I'm trying to find the highest rated items (max of 10 and based on an
> average of all the times that item was rated). Since many of the top
> rated items will have the same rating, and I need to choose the "top"
> 10, I further want to base it on traffic to that item.
> So said another way:
> -          Calculate average rating for every distinct item, based on
> multiple record entries per item
> -          Find the highest rated
> -          If the top 10 items have the same average rating, then take
> the traffic each of those items has received and rank based on that
> I have two tables that are in question:
> Reviews (the ratings table)
> -          rating
> -          LinkIDFK2
> Traffic (the table that hold traffic data for each item)
> -          LinkIDFK (same thing as LinkIDFK2 above)
> -          Hits (traffic number)

AVG(r.rating) AS rating,
Reviews r INNER JOIN Traffic t
ON r.LinkIDFK2 = t.LinkIDFK
rating DESC,
t.Hits DESC

Depending on your database you can usually limit the numer of
results by using LIMIT or TOP.


I don't get it
immigrants don't work
and steal our jobs
     - Loesje
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