Hmm, all my code was stripped out - let me try again:
Note: the return type is the name of the custom data type. This name
corresponds to the filename of the cfc which describes the data (example
<cffunction name="getTblList" access="remote"
returntype="cp_getTblList" hint="Returns a structure of tables available to
the user. Returns the new key tableDataXML.">
<cfargument name="UUID" type="string" required="true"
hint="The UUID issued to the unique Client Installation.">
<cfargument name="usr_id" type="numeric" required="true"
hint="The clients User ID.">
<cfargument name="lfpassword" type="string"
required="true" hint="Hashed password">
<cfset var returnStruct=createObject("component",
<cfset returnStruct.errmsg="">
<cfset returnStruct.errCode=0>
<cfset returnStruct.tableDataXML="">
<cfinclude template="methods/getTblList.cfm">
<cfreturn returnStruct>
Note: This file contains just the code below, a definition of the data.
<cfproperty name="errmsg" type="string">
<cfproperty name="errCode" type="numeric">
<cfproperty name="tableDataXML" type="string">
At 12:25 PM 2/8/2004, you wrote:
>You may need to create a custom data type and return that. This way the
>consuming language has an idea of what you are returning. Here's an example
>of how to do this:
>Note: the return type is the name of the custom data type. This name
>corresponds to the filename of the cfc which describes the data (example
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- Webservice to return a struct Critter
- Re: Webservice to return a struct Brook Davies
- Brook Davies