I'm new to the list and trying to follow protocol, but my apologies in advance if I slip-up.

I have an app written in fusebox 3, and all is working well enough. I would, however, like to break the part where users register down into smaller fuses.

Scenario - currently, users submit form info which is then checked against a database to make sure the 'team_name' field is unique. If it is not, they are redirected to submit new info, otherwise it is written to a database. At the moment I use an exit fuseaction to redirect to the URL if the form entries fail. I would like to do the same for a successful registration - an exit fuseaction that then uses a query to write their form info to a database and emails the administrator. However, when I try this, cold fusion cannot remember the previous form entries, and thus chokes.

My question: Is there any way to save the form info as a variable to be recalled when that fuseaction is triggered? I am presuming a session variable would be able to capture this data. But admittedly, I don't know how.

All help greatly appreciated

Here is my current code, which works fine..

<cfquery datasource="#request.dsn#" name="teamInfo">
SELECT team_name
FROM client
WHERE team_name = '#form.team_name#'

<cfif teamInfo.recordcount>
<cflocation URL="">
<!--- ideally, this is where I would like to insert the fuseaction called #XFA.addRegisterInfo# which then calls the following query as addRegisterinfo.cfm --->
<!--- insert new record --->
<cfquery datasource="#request.dsn#" name="register">

INSERT INTO client (
team_name, username, password, company_name, address_1, address_2, phone, email


<cflocation URL="">

Mark Henderson
Web Designer
Clive Wilson Computers Gore Ltd -
Phone +64 3 208 1988
Fax +64 3 208 1989
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