I am not a guru - but may have a work-around until someone gives you the 
best answer:)
Set up the text file as an odbc text datasource, and let CF read it in one 
at a time, then update the sql database.


bcp it into a temporary table, then use that table to do the update of the 
live table..

>Hello everyone,
>Got a problem here that I can't seem to figure out.  I have a tab-delimited
>text file containing 3 cols, (can_id, votes, % votes) that I need to import
>into a SQL 6.5 table containing these three columns (and others) that needs
>to be updated on a regular basis - updating existing records, not inserting
>new ones.
>My first guess would have been bcp, but as near as I can tell, this only
>works on data copying operations, so it won't allow me to perform an UPDATE
>type of action on the table I want to update.  I'm used to working with SQL
>7.0, which would let me save this as a DTS package, so my t-sql stored proc
>syntax is a little rough.
>Here is what I've got so far, which is full of errors:
>if exists (select * from sysobjects where id =
>object_id('dbo.update_election_output') and sysstat & 0xf = 4)
>         drop procedure dbo.update_election_output
>Object:  Stored Procedure dbo.update_election_output
>Script Date: 8/7/00 11:15am
>Last Updated On: Never!
>CREATE PROCEDURE update_election_output
>         @election_results_file varchar(255)
>Update election results from FTP source file.
>CREATE TABLE #election_updates
>         textstring varchar(255) null
>select 'Getting Election Results'
>INSERT #election_updates
>EXEC ('EXEC master..xp_cmdshell ''type '+@election_results_file+'''')
>select 'Updating Election Results Table...'
>SET a.votes = SUBSTRING(textstring,8,15)
>SET a.percent_votes = SUBSTRING(textstring,16,23)
>FROM elections_output a
>         (
>         SELECT *
>         FROM #election_updates
>         WHERE a.can_id = SUBSTRING(textstring,1,7)
>         )
>Cleanup and Grant appropriate permissions.
>DROP TABLE #election_results
>Is this the right way to go about this?  Would it be better to use bcp to
>copy the data into a temp table and then write an update statement to update
>the master table?
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