> This is just a snippet. The form itself doesn't allow the
> user to enter the redirect, it's entered by the developer
> in a hidden field, though I suppose if someone wanted to
> hack it they easily could.

Yes, this is exactly what I'm talking about. Any data that comes from the
browser cannot be trusted without validation. It doesn't matter whether it
comes from a form or a URL or a cookie. It is trivially easy for an attacker
to send whatever data he likes. Hidden fields within a form don't make any
difference at all.

> So, if I encrypted the redirect on the form page and
> unencrypted it on the page where I want to do the forward.
> Then, are there any major issues?

Encryption and unencryption are nice, I guess, but ideally you might be able
to avoid passing sensitive data to the client at all, unless that client
needs the ability to change the data. You can store this sort of data within
persistent server scopes if necessary.

> As to your question about untrustworthy developers vs.
> untrustworthy users, I'm really not sure.

You should ask!

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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