After nearly a month of looking, I'm still trying to find someone - ANYONE -
who knows something about PHP to help me write instructions for PHP users to
consume my CFMX web service.

I've tried looking here in CF-TALK, on CF_AUSSIE, on half a dozen PHP forums
and all I've ever been able to get is a list of tutorials.  Without learning
PHP, mounting PHP on my server, and learning how to run PHP, I can't write
and test instructions myself based on the tutorials I've read.  

I was hoping I'd find some helpful soul who would say "I'll spend 10 minutes
and check what you've written works correctly'  but no one wants to, or else
I'm making some social gaffe in the PHP community and they all hate me or

Anyone have any ideas what I can do please?  I don't want yet another PHP
tutorial.  I have to write specific instructions and they have to be dead
right, no syntax errors and double checked.   You can't do that from a

Just in case anyone didn't see the original question, here's what I'm trying
to do  . (perhaps someone might see what I'm doing wrong and why none of the
PHP world will even answer me):


I have to write some instructions for PHP users to consume a web service
I've made available, but I don't know much about PHP.  Certainly not enough
to write the instructions for them to use in their website.

Is there some kind soul who knows about PHP and web services who can help me
with this please?

It's a probono site for me so there's no money involved I'm afraid, but I
can give you a link on the page and a plug for your services if you like.  

Please email me off-list if you can help me.


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks
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