I wish it was that easy. :-)  I assume by your responses that this issue
may be related to my PC although my laptop seems to do the same thing.

Let me rephrase my problem, I can assign a keyboard shortcut to a
snippet, via the shortcuts GUI, but I have yet to get one to work.  When
I use the shortcuts GUI I am trying to assign Ctrl+3 to a snippet that
will wrap the selected text in #s. After I assign Ctrl+3 to my snippet,
I can see that Ctrl+3 looks like it has been correctly assigned to the
snippet but, after I close the shortcuts GUI the shortcut does not work
and when I open the shortcuts GUI, Ctrl+3 defaults back to H3.  I have
no problem assigning Ctrl+3 to another command like "select all", the
problem only comes in when I try to assign it to a snippet.  

Is it possible that I had a bad previous install of DW MX (non 2004)?  I
have tried uninstalling all DWs and only reinstalling MX2004 but, I seem
to have the same problem

Thank for the help.

Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
  Vivid Media

-----Original Message-----
From: Massimo Foti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 11:17 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: DW2004 Snippet madness

> I have the trial of DW MX 2004 installed and I can not assign any
> snippets to keyboard shortcuts.  I need these short cuts or else DW is
> useless to me. Yes, I have duplicated the "MM Standard set" and I can
> assign other types of commands to keyboard short cuts, just not
> snippets.

Select "Snippets" from the "Commands" drop-down inside the Keyboard
shortcuts GUI.

> Also where does DW store the user snippets?  I would have expected it
> store them in the Configuration\Snippets but only the default ones are
> in there.  Is it possible to edit the keyboard short cut config file
> directly?  If so where is that stored?


Massimo Foti

Co-Author of Dreamweaver MX 2004 Magic:

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