On Feb 20, 2004, at 3:11 PM, Ciliotta, Mario wrote:

>  I was wondering if anyone has subscribe to the DRK's. I was wondering
> if you
>  could tell me are they worth the cost.

I should probably defer to others since my opinion might not be
completely objective.  :-)

>  I am interested in the CF content and the Flash content. Also does
> anyone know
>  if there are plans to include some JSP content or maybe JSP tags that
> CF
>  developers can use.

We haven't really given much thought to JSP custom tags simply because
we have been focusing on ColdFusion custom tags and components.  If
there appears to be a demand, we will certainly consider it.  We have
included a few very nice Java projects, however, with ColdFusion custom
tag wrappers.  The thinking is that they would appeal to both
ColdFusion and Java developers.

Have a look at the DRK home page for more information on content
included on the current and past DRKs:


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