Beuller? ;)

A mapping is analogous to a symbolic link--it lets you tell CF to use
a directory located somewhere on your hard drive as a directory in
your web server's hierarchy, even if the directory isn't actually
located in the hierarchy.  It contains pages that can be viewed by
the user (web visitor).

A Custom Tag Path is just a location where CF will look whenever
you invoke a custom tag.  It's usually not part of the web server's
hierarchy, and can't be viewed by the user.

- Jeff

On 24 Feb 2004 at 18:03, Troy Simpson wrote:

> Anyone know the answer the this trivia question?
> Anyone?
> Anyone?
> Troy Simpson wrote:
> > ALL,
> >
> > What is the difference between Mappings and Custom Tag Paths.They seem
> > to be the same thing.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > --
> > Troy Simpson
> > Applications Analyst/Programmer, OCPDBA, MCSE, SCSA
> > North Carolina State University Libraries
> > Campus Box 7111 | Raleigh | North Carolina
> > ph.919.515.3855 | fax.919.513.3330
> >
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