I've been to sites (actual physical sites not web sites) where applications
have been developed with NO CFAPPLICATION name at all. This is very
dangerous code wise, especially in an environment hosting multiple sites as
variables can conflict.

As far as I know you can get away with a single application not having the
CFAPPLICATION name (read it somewhere) but that doesn't sound like good
coding practise.

I've done what you said once before on a site that was essentially broken in
two (on the same domain) for standard HTTP and for secure sockets layer
(HTTPS) and it worked a treat. Of course I tested it religiously and session
vars were being correctly maintained as well as other state management.

Also remember that CF will still search all the way to the server root for
an Application.cfm file (unless MX6.1 has changed) so you could run into
conflicts with other application variables (application, session, client,
request, etc).

Peter Tilbrook
ColdFusion Applications Developer
ColdGen Internet Solutions
Manager, ACT and Region ColdFusion Users Group - http://www.actcfug.com
4/73 Tharwa Road
Queanbeyan, NSW, 2620
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