Someone wrote a really nice customtag and posted it up here a while back,
recordsetbrowser.cfm, it did all of this in itself...

If you don't find it in the archives, shout me off list and I'll get a copy
over to you..

-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart Kidd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 11 March 2004 12:04
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Loops in Loops (let's go loopy)

Thanks Tim and Pascal,

That's the trick... before the replies came i was kind of getting the hang
of it but my maths was all wrong i had (i/10)-1 but i can see it now.

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Tim Blair" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Thu, 11 Mar 2004 11:49:02 -0000

>> is there an easier way?
>I usually do that by having a couple of variables:
>page -> the current page you're on (from URL)
>pagesize -> the number of items on a page (hardcode/from URL)
>recordcount -> the total number of results (from your query)
>You can then work out things like the total number of pages (the ceiling
>function is to round the number of pages up to the closest integer) :
><cfset pagecount = ceiling(recordcount / pagesize)>
>And then loop from 1 to pagecount and print out a number and link each
><cfloop from="1" to="#pagecount#" index="curpage">
>  <a href=""> ></cfloop>
><CF_CodingContest mode="judging" newentries="false">
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