> My issue with <cfquery> is that you are exposing your db design.
> It's alot harder to hack a db is you dont know the table and
> column names.


> As for encrypting the fuseaction, the question is why not?

Because it's useless.

Let's think this through:

I have a fuseaction called "products.list"

It encrypts to "wafiawjfw"

I type in "wafiawjfw" in the url.

It lists the products.

Where's the security?

> can start throwing errors by trying different fuseaction calls.
> Which in turn could expose too much info if you dont have a site
> wide error handler.

Let me get this straight.  I should waste time encrypting urls, and yet be stupid enough not to have an error handler.

Let's think this one through:

I type in "wiejfiawefijwf", which doesn't decrypt properly.

The site then throws an error, and since I don't have a site wide error handler, it exposes a whole bunch of information.

Where's the security?

The topic of this thread is securing cf apps.
> Although it may not be 100% necessary, it sure doesn't hurt.

It doesn't help either.
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