> I don't think there have been convincing arguments that SPs help from a
>  security standpoint, but from a performance standpoint I don't think
>  it's debatable.
That is a myth. Stored procedures are only faster than dynamic queries;
not prepared statements. In fact, in some cases it is possible for a
stored procedure to actually be slower than a dynamic query.

>  1. Stored Procedures allow developers to encapsulate business logic
> and
>  provide users (programmers) with a simple interface to that logic. The
>  user doesn't need to know how they work, just what they do.
Business logic shouldn't be in the database. It should be in the
business tier where it belongs.

>  2. By "hiding" database structure details behind stored procedures,
> DBAs
>  can reduce the need to change other components (client
>  applications/middleware components) whenever they need to change the
>  database structure.
The database structure should be abstracted by the data access layer of
your application.

>  3. Reduced network traffic. The more business logic that can be
>  implimented on the server (SPs) the less data will be transferred back
>  and forth through the network.
Again, business logic shouldn't be in your database. Further, with the
high-speed interconnects we have today, data transfer simply isn't an

>  4. Faster execution than ad hoc queries.
Again, this is a false statement.

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