> This is simply your opinion which differs greatly from the DBAs I've
>  been involved with.
It isn't my opinion; it is an easily provable fact. Go ask your DBAs
what the difference in execution between a prepared statement and a
stored procedure is. The answer is nothing. But, don't take my word for
it. Look it up; its not like I am making this shit up.

>  Again, this is simply your opinion.
While it may be my opinion that business logic belongs in the business
tier, you will find that majority of web application architects agree.
J2EE is the de-facto standard for enterprise applications and it is
damn hard to find a J2EE application that uses a two tier architecture.
Almost all J2EE applications use an N-tier architecture. What is the
important difference here between two tier and N-tier? The business
logic is in its own tier in an N-tier architecture.

>  Again, simply your opinion (which I do respect).
See the previous statement.

>  By 'Ad hoc' I meant impromptu, or unplanned. By your admission "Stored
>  procedures are only faster than dynamic queries". Ad hoc = dynamic in
> my
>  mind. :-)
Yes, but the term actually means something else. A dynamic query is one
that is executed dynamically. A prepared statement is a query that has
been precompiled. You can do prepared statements "ad hoc" through the
cfquery tag.

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