Had the same problem with CFMODULE. As Dave explained, that is the solution, however I'm not sure if you can use that code with CFMODULE. We just stopped using the using the />.

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Jon Block
  To: CF-Talk
  Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 11:51 AM
  Subject: Windows CF5 Custom Tags Bug?

  Symptom (watered down):

  My application uses lots of custom tags. At one point in the code, I have a
  .CFM page called "myfile.cfm" which calls a custom tag is called that
  generates some text files called <cf_makefiles>. That works great. Within
  the <cf_makefiles> tag, I am calling an additional custom tag that generates
  some HTML for me called <cf_makesomehtml>.

  The problem is that when, and only when, I call <cf_makesomehtml>, the
  ENTIRE http request appears to be running two times! I can't understand why
  that would possibly happen. In other words, in my little tree of nested
  custom tags, a very simple tag which generates some text is causing the
  entire request to be evaluated by the server a second time.

  The result is I'm getting two sets of files created, rather than just the
  one that I want.

  What do I do? Has anybody ever seen this before? I monitored the HTTP
  traffic and it almost seems like the browser is somehow induced to re-submit
  the URL somehow. I'm so confused.. I've been working with CF for years but I
  have never seen anything like this...

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