Can you back up and embellish on what it is that you are trying to do
exactly?  Maybe there is a better way that the listees can help with.


At 09:37 AM 3/31/2004, Gabriel Robichaud wrote:
>The only thing is that this is not an error.  And I want to make this part
>of the functionality of the site.  So I am concerned that using the error
>page like this might put a strain on performance.  Or am I worrying about
> >Custom error page through your web server to point to a CFM that
> >evaluates the URL string and strips out what you want into variables.
> >#cgi# scope will help a lot.
> >
> >John Burns
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Gabriel Robichaud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 10:13 AM
> >To: CF-Talk
> >Subject: Cf puzzle
> >
> >Ok folks!
> >
> >I have a directory... c:/cfusionmx/wwwroot/somedir/ That has
> >Application.cfm and index.cfm files.
> >
> >Now... that being said.  Lets assume that in order to hit the index.cfm
> >I need to type in the browser
> >
> >Now what I would like to do, is catch these types of hits
> >
> >
> >Xyz is not a directory, it never will be nor is it a file.  I would like
> >to catch that xyz, put it in  variable and then do some funky treatment.
> >BUT, what I am getting currently is: "The page cannot be found" error
> >message.
> >
> >How can I get this xyz value and put it in a variable?
> >Any leads would be really appreciated!!!
> >Gabriel
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