Hey Mark,

Thanks.  Looks like this is the easiest solution and I dont think I need to worry too much about the overhead at this point... maybe later but I could just deal with that if it happens.

Thanks everyone for your help!

> Gabriel,
> The web server already has to parse the header, determine if the file
> exists and point to the file (or 404 handler) -
> yes I would imagine that there is a bit more overhead than if the
> file/folder existed in the first place - but I have
> several sites doing this and similar things, some of them trafficked
> quite heavily, and I've never noticed an
> appreciable difference.  Obviously a lot depends on the expected load.  
> I would also say that a dedicated IP address
> (rather than a virtual host) would make a slight difference because
> the web server wouldn't have the additional task of
> "finding" the right site for that Host header before it even looks for
> a file. But again, I don't know that you would
> notice the difference except under a near capacity load.
> -Mark
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