You can use <cfobjectcache action = "" to clear all cached queries


-----Original Message-----
From: Burns, John D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 9:53 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Cached Queries

I have an app with a front end (the main site that users see) and a
backend (an admin app for updating articles, calendar events, etc).  On
the front end, I want to use cached queries to make the performance
better.  However, if I use cached queries and an admin user goes into
the backend and adds a new article, then goes and views the front end,
he won't see the new update automatically, right?  How could I (in my
admin code) "flush" the cache for that particular query or set of

>From what I've gathered from previous posts on the list about caching
queries in CF, the cache depends on the exact sql syntax and the
application name...I think.  Is that correct?  Any tips on how to
optimize my queries for fast caching while also being able to update the
live site immediately with new info inserted through CF on the backend
would be extremely helpful!  Thanks!

John Burns
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