potent stuff isnt it?  Kinda makes you rethink application design and chucks
out the window the need to learn flash to make a ria.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dick Applebaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 4:31 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: desktop application

I have been googling and playing with XUL for several hours and I am
impressed with what it (you) can do.

XUL has been out there for a while --- guess I just missed it.

Here's a start (a little dated):


XUL is a framework for creating  a UI and writing application programs.

These programs can be launched and run from a local hard disk or from a
web server (or both)

XUL is platform independent -- anywhere Mozilla runs, XUL runs

XUL provides a consistent UI and program execution

The above 2 points are similar to Flash advantages

A XUL program can read and write (with user permission) to the local
file system.

A XUL program can (by itself) consume web services.

There are XUL  extensions that can directly interface a local SQL
database (currently Postgres and MySQL)

There are XUL extensions that can execute local programs and scripts in
C++, Python, Ruby and Perl, with PHP coming -- these are
programs/scripts running on the local machine

So, I guess it is possible, today, to write a desktop application to
meet the objectives of the originator of this thread:

You can easily write an XUL app that:

    1) Runs on the desktop

    2) Allows people to enter their email addresses (a simple form)

    3) Saves it (the data from each form submission) to a [local] text
or XML file

    4) Uploads the file to web server and parsed into the database

In the near future, you should have the option of parsing the data with
a local php program and storing the data in a local database -- this
would allow data validation, check for duplicates, etc.

Actually, you can do this now using a combination of _javascript_ and XUL
extensions.  But, it will be easier with PHP.

What would really be nice if you could use CFMX as the local scripting
language and db interface... yeah, that would really be nice...



  >  From: Burns, John D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  >  Sent: Friday, April 02, 2004 2:58 PM
  >  To: CF-Talk
  >  Subject: SOT: desktop application
  >  I have a question about what the best practice would be for
creating a
  >  desktop application.  I do websites for some different bands, and
  >  all have an e-mail sign-up on their website.  Most of them also have
  >  some kind of a paper sign-up at concerts for people to sign up for
  >  email list.  I was considering building an app that would run on a
  >  desktop to allow people at concerts to enter their email address and
  >  write it to a text or xml file that could then be uploaded to the
  >  webserver and parsed into the database.
  >  My question is what would be the best method to do this?  I was
  > thinking
  >  of doing the front end in Flash but I'm not sure how to write to a
  > file
  >  from there.  In theory, this app would need to work on a mac and a
  >  Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  >  John Burns
  >    _____
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