I'm guessing the deal is overwith? I could really use that copy of

-----Original Message-----
From: Burns, John D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 1:34 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Checkoutaspnet.com ?? Anyone heard of it?

I got a mailer (Postal mail) to my home about trying ASP.net.  It was
from Microsoft (or some outsourcer for Microsoft) and it seemed to be
slanted toward getting CF Developers moved to ASP.net (or at least to
try it out).  They had a website up (checkoutaspnet.com) and if you
signed up, they send you a FREE full licensed copy of Windows 2003
Server Enterprise Edition and some ASP related materials, including
creation software and such.  I signed up and received mine yesterday and
was quite suprised.  The Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition was a
full-version with 25 CALs.  Then, on top of all of that, I got chosen
for a prize (1 in 50) of a ViewSonic V37 Pocket PC.

It all seems too good to be true.  Did anyone see this promotion?  Any
idea where it came from?  It all is very legit and everything that I've
gotten is definitely from Microsoft.  I still don't think I'll convert
to ASP.net for my primary language, but I'll definitely try it out now,
and who knows, I may use it for some projects.

I just thought I'd see if anyone else got this promotion or would know
how they got ahold of my name.  I just moved into my current home 9
months ago, and I haven't signed up for much stuff with my new home
address.  Anyone with info...I'd love to hear.  I feel like a kid in a
toy store :-)

John Burns
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