That's my thing, I haven't bought anything like that lately.  I bought a
dell computer but it was one of the "tv deals" and that's about it.  I
do all my hosting through a outside company.  I don't mind being on
whatever list it is that I'm on for it though if it keeps coming through
with stuff like that.  I've really wanted to play with w2k3 Server so I
could recommend it and set it up for customers but I haven't had the
money to get MSDN or anything like that so I haven't been able to.  It
was much easier when I was at a University and we got volume licensing
and academic discounts.  Now, it's not quite so easy.


-----Original Message-----
From: Josh Remus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 2:26 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: ?? Anyone heard of it?

No I haven't seen the new PocketPC yet.  When I got one via the other
promotion about a year ago, it took a LONG time coming and finally just
appeared on my doorstep airborne express.  It's another one of those "if
it comes, great.  If not, oh well."  The other one was an international
version, which is (I assume) why they were giving it away.  But since
we're doing a lot of PocketPC development, I passed it on to someone
else here who could use it.

I assume MM has my name and address, but I've NEVER received a mailing
or promo that I could trace back to them.  I've also bought several
PocketPCs and several servers recently, so who knows where they got my
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Burns, John D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 2:20 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RE: ?? Anyone heard of it?

  Well, I'm not connected to MCSE, MSDN or the magazine, so it much be
  something else.  But it seemed to be geared towards CF developers.
  I was thinking maybe MM or somebody sold their list of people (but
  not everyone on the list received it, I have no clue).  Have you
  received your PocketPC yet?  Mine didn't come with the Windows 2k3.
  assuming it comes separate?


  -----Original Message-----
  From: Josh Remus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 2:03 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RE: ?? Anyone heard of it?

  I did the same thing, received my copy, and was told I won a PocketPC.
  I received the same PocketPC when I signed up for some other marketing
  promotion from Microsoft.  It's okay, but not great (the PDA at
  I assumed I got the promotion either through my MCSE or my MSDN
  I also get that Microsoft magazine, could be there too.

  I AM looking forward to using that copy of server 2003 though.  I have
  to assume it's legit.  At a minimum, I would argue I could have
  it was legit.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Burns, John D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 1:34 PM
    To: CF-Talk
    Subject: ?? Anyone heard of it?

    I got a mailer (Postal mail) to my home about trying  It
    from Microsoft (or some outsourcer for Microsoft) and it seemed to
    slanted toward getting CF Developers moved to (or at least
    try it out).  They had a website up ( and if you
    signed up, they send you a FREE full licensed copy of Windows 2003
    Server Enterprise Edition and some ASP related materials, including
    creation software and such.  I signed up and received mine yesterday
    was quite suprised.  The Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition was
    full-version with 25 CALs.  Then, on top of all of that, I got
    for a prize (1 in 50) of a ViewSonic V37 Pocket PC.

    It all seems too good to be true.  Did anyone see this promotion?
    idea where it came from?  It all is very legit and everything that
    gotten is definitely from Microsoft.  I still don't think I'll
    to for my primary language, but I'll definitely try it out
    and who knows, I may use it for some projects.

    I just thought I'd see if anyone else got this promotion or would
    how they got ahold of my name.  I just moved into my current home 9
    months ago, and I haven't signed up for much stuff with my new home
    address.  Anyone with info...I'd love to hear.  I feel like a kid in
    toy store :-)

    John Burns
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