Hal Helms has a java class that I've been trying to get into. He's based
in Sarasota. He is way too expensive for me, but he's local to you and
I, if and when he does another class here in Tampa Bay.


Lofback, Chris wrote:

> I'm looking for a training class that can turn an experienced CF
> developer (me) into a competent Java developer.  Ideally, I'd like
> something that will include the web development side of Java, like JSP,
> J2EE, servlets, beans, etc.  Can anyone recommend something in the Tampa
> Bay, FL area?  Or within a long drive (or cheap flight) of Tampa?
> I know there's someone on the list from a company who has a great
> reputation for their CF training.  If you see this, do you also offer Java?
> Thanks,
> Chris
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