Maybe I'm wrong, but I think even if you use a stored procedure it's going
to process in series. I doubt it's going to give you a huge performance
boost. I posted a handful of tests on my blog (
<> ) last week comparing cfquery to
cfstoredproc. Another option is to process the report before the user
accesses it. Like have a scheduled process that runs in the middle of the
night, or every hour or every 1 minute and saves the output to a static
file. That would be very easy to do with cfschedule, but has the downside of
potentially being out of sync with the live data. Of course, there are
tricks to get around that. If you're interested in hearing them let me know.

Steve Nelson


From: Earl, George [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 10:40 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: How to streamline a request that uses many cfquery statements?

This feels like a dumb question, but here goes . . .

Am I correct that in a CF template that has, say, 15 cfquery statements the
cfquery statements are submitted one at a time with each subsequent cfquery
not submitted until the previous cfquery returns? I.e., if all 15 queries
have to run and there is no logic in the markup that arranges or rearranges
the order in which the queries run do they run one at a time in sequence
from top to bottom?

Is there a way to have multiple queries running from the same cf template at
the same time?

We produce a report that is essentially three reports bundled into one and
displayed one after the other. Currently we run 15 queries (3*5) to create
this report and it takes 3 - 3 1/2 minutes for the queries to complete.
Logically it seems that we could run the three report processes concurrently
and independently and then assemble them into the final report when the
answer sets come back which should dramatically speed up the process. Is
there a way to do this with CF?

(We're using Oracle 8i, CF5, migrating to CFMX 6.1, on Windows 2000 Advanced



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