If your host is a Linux environment  Application.cfm must start with a capital
as does OnRequestEnd.cfm.  The Linux environment is case sensitive -

On a Windows environment, it is not case sensitive. and will work either way.

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  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Wurst, Keith D.
  To: CF-Talk
  Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2004 7:02 AM
  Subject: Application.cfm vs. application.cfm

  hey everyone. i just signed up with a new host and im having some problems
  migrating my code. i uploaded all my code and i received an error stating
  that i had a problem with my application.cfm file - only it referenced it as
  Application.cfm (where i used all lowercase to name it before and it was
  telling me the file that had a problem had an inital cap. thats the first
  weird thing. the second weird thing is that even after i changed the
  application.cfm or even deleted the entire file the error message i was
  getting persisted. it was like the server never saw that the file wasnt even
  there anymore or that it had been changed. any ideas? im thinking there is
  an Application.cfm screwing me up somewhere but the problem with that is the
  error ...

  The client scope settings combination is invalid.
  The clientscopestorage is set to use cookies, but setclientcookies is not
  set to yes.

  The error occurred in D:\hshome\mollusk\mollusk.org\Application.cfm: line 8

  6 : <cfapplication name="mollusk"
  7 :     clientmanagement="yes"
  8 :     setclientcookies="no"
  9 :     sessionmanagement="yes"
  10 :     sessiontimeout="#CreateTimeSpan(Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds)#" >

  references code that is located in my original application.cfm. all in all
  im really confursed. thanks for the help.
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