Yeah - the term "breadcrumb" really covers clickstreaming more in the sense
that "real breadcrumbs" specifically trace your path (however convoluted it
is), not the "best" path.

The term I personally use when pressed is "Indexed Navigation" as most
breadcrumb trails simply define the page's position in the hierarchy when
you're out of the context of the hierarchy (as you would be in a site map or
table of contents).  I've also heard the term "Hierarchical Illustration".
but come on, how pompous can you get?  ;^)  "Hierarchical Address" comes
closer actually.  

But the term "breadcrumb trial" to describe it just isn't going to go away.

Jim Davis


From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2004 9:56 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Bread Crumb Trail with CFMX

I've stopped referring to them in my code (if not writing) as
breadcrumbs and have been calling them "ladder navigation", to
indicate that they represent a "top-down" hierarchy, rather than a
history (which I think the browser adequately covers and therefore is
unnecessary within the app).

>> You can drive this solely by directory structure if
>> you're set up that
> way,
>> by page-level parameters if your pages are distinct, by
>> template level
>> parameters if you're content is parametized, etc - it
>> really depends on
> your
>> site structure and the detail of your definition.

> How do you deal with pages that are reached via multiple
> paths?

> This depends on your architecture again.  In the simplest
> view all pages CAN
> be reached via multiple paths, but belong to only one
> hierarchy - this view
> is probably used by most sites that use breadcrumb trails.

> In others "pageA" is always considered part of
> "subsection" and subsection
> is always considered part of "Section".  You can get to
> pageA from lots of
> places, but it "lives" there (and so that's what the
> breadcrumb trail
> displays).  This actually makes sense since in this view
> the breadcrumb
> trail simply defines where a piece of content can be found
> (again).

> You can make this dynamic for more complex sites
> obviously, but you run the
> risk of confusing people (since the same piece of content
> lives in multiple
> places).

>> Now the other style of breadcrumbs which is rarely seen
>> (but ironically
>> matches the "breadcrumb" metaphor much better) is the
>> clickstream.  In
> this
>> case you display the specific users path the current
>> information,
> regardless
>> of how you (the author) have organized things.  This is
>> as simple as
>> creating a session-scoped array.  You just place each
>> page visiting into
> the
>> array and then, on demand, display the links.

> How does this work if the user has more than one browser
> window open to
> different pages of the same web site?

> It depends.  If each window has a distinct session then
> you get two
> different streams - easy peasy.  If the windows share a
> session then you get
> a stream combining the two.  This is actually better in
> one sense as the
> combine stream still represents the pages the user visited
> on your site in
> the order they were requested.

> Jim Davis


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