Hi Jim,

Perhaps one of the applications listed here will take care of your needs:
http://www.cfcustomtags.com/subcategories.cfm?parentid=159  or

Thanks for all your help in the past,


At 07:00 PM 4/17/04, you wrote:
>I know a variation of this question gets asked every couple of months or
>so.  Is there a good CF based forum application available?  Must be
>threaded, with the option to view threads either via a threaded view or
>flat view.  From what I've seen in the past (haven't looked in about a
>year) the choices in CF based forums are pretty slim.  And those that I've
>looked at aren't particularly full featured in comparison to some of the
>php boards.
>Must support CF5 and would prefer ODBC support for MySQL, but Access via
>ODBC is probably sufficient for this application.  Good use of CSS for
>customization of the look is a must.
>If you don't have a good CF forum to recommend, then a recommendation for
>a PHP based application would be the second choice.  I've worked with
>phpbb and like it, but have crossed it off the list due to it's lack of
>support (and no plans) for threaded discussions.  And I don't have the
>time to incorporate the fairly involved mods to phpbb to add threading.
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