I don't know how to answer your question, but it sounds like that they
might have written it in FuseBox?  That would explain all the files being


At 01:55 PM 4/21/2004, you wrote:
>Okay I'm brain cramping today so forgive the simple request -
>I'm working within a CF5 environment on an inherited application that has
>approximate 30 different files being cfincluded (depending on what the end
>user is doing) to create a single page (I don't know why the person wrote
>it this way) and would like to output the variables.xxxx scope to figure
>out what the H#LL this person was doing.  There's somewhere near 100 local
>variables that are used throughout the creation of the page.  Obviously
>[cfdump var=#variables#] doesn't work.  Anyone have tag or section of code
>that does this?  I've checked out 'MegaDump' but it doesn't output the
>variables.xxxx scope for CF5.
>Thanks in advance,
>Steven Semrau
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