In DNS if you have a Wild Card A record meaning any URL 3rd Level Domain
Name will be directed to this IP

*     A
@   A

IN IIS Go to the "Web Site" tab of the Web Site and click Advanced. This
shows the Host Headers. Click on Add Select the IP enter the Port but leave
the Host Header Blank.

Now when someone goes to
<>  they go to that site.

I most cases the Default Website on the server will have the "ALL
Unassigned" Host header so if you do not have a Blank Host header then the
request will be directed to the default site. That site is usually the IIS
Administration site and is Locked down.


-----Original Message-----
From: Chunshen Li [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 8:46 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Challenge/Response and IIS Security

Sorry, could you elaborate a bit?

>IF the DNS has a wild card entry and there is not a blank Host header for
>the site in IIS and they type a URL that does not have a host header they
>will be directed to the Default Website with the All Unassigned Header This
>is usually locked down.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Chunshen Li [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 7:48 AM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: Challenge/Response and IIS Security
>A client informed me that his site (on NT class OS and IIS web server) now
>required Network password to logon.
>I suspected it's NT Challenge/Response and IIS Security problem with his
>Did quick research to confirm my suspicion, seems that my suspicion is
>valid, it seems at least two situations would result in the above-mentioned
>1) Anonymous Access with an NT/its class OS IIS user account,
>IUSR_{machineOrHostName} has been disabled under Integrated Windows
>Authentication schema (haven't tested other two authen. schemas).
>2) The default IIS user account, IUSER_{machineOrHostName) has been
>I've tested the above two scenarios separately with same result, that is,
>logon is prompted when accessing a site.
>Is there/ are there any further scenarios that cause the same NT access
>problem?  Security gurus, you'll make my days.
>  _____
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