I have done some ASP coding -- mainly converting programs to CF.

Not only is a lot more work (in ASP) to put together a SQL query, there
are a lot of things to keep track of -- if you forget to close the
connection it can affect performance, etc,

Number of lines is not everything -- but a more compact, concise
procedure is easier to understand.

Also, CF tags tend to be less granular, less cryptic (more
self-documenting) -- this is significant in maintaining the code over


On May 10, 2004, at 6:33 AM, Pete Ruckelshaus - CFList wrote:

> The one thing that still sticks out to me (I went from ASP to CF almost
>  5 years ago) is just how much more difficult database interaction is
>  when you're not using CF.  I also explicitly DON'T like the
> presentation
>  layer control that the display objects take away; that's fine if
> you're
>  a developer with no HTML skills, but for us designer/developer/control
>  freak types, it's pretty annoying.
>  Pete
>  Raymond Camden wrote:
>  > You know, I'm probably biased, but you have to love the fact that
> almost
>  > every code comparison shows CF having about half the lines .Net
> does. I like
>  > .Net, a lot, and yes, we all know the # of lines isn't the most
> important
>  > thing in the world, but it was funny how much this stood out,
> especially in
>  > the DB examples.
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