Calling this "a little processor intensive" would be a gross understatement.
If you have any significant amount of data within your database, any one of
these queries will be a lot of work for your database server, as it'll
involve a table scan. If you really want to do these sorts of searches and
categorizations, use a full-text indexing engine like Verity.

If you have a million records in your database, this would be stupid slow.
Not every application has a million records in the database. I just did a
test on MS Access searching 10,000 rows with multiple LIKEs in the where
clause. Each query took an average of 47ms. Doing 7 unique LIKE queries
(every permutation of 3 words, took 329ms) Granted, it did make the
processor spike.... up to a full 2%. So yes, I concede, it is a little
processor intensive. ;-)

Jason, how many records are you trying to search? Give or take.  

Steve Nelson
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