Anyone know why my syntax is wrong in my Where statement please?

Cold Fusion Server logged the following error information:
ODBC Error Code = 37000 (Syntax error or access violation)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 3: Incorrect syntax near '='.
SQL = "Update maintenance_report SET maint_report_impact_search = 'NO'
Where maint_report_date = '06/10/2004 ' and id = 9"
This is my code:
<cfquery name="search" datasource="wweb_status_internal_test">
Update maintenance_report
SET maint_report_impact_search = '#form.maint_report_impact_search#'
Where maint_report_date = '#form.maint_report_date#' and id = #id#
I think I may have to trim the maint_report_date field. Is that it?
Thanks as always.

Robert O.
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