Couldn't you put the users behind some kind of firewall/router type of
appliance so that when they made requests to the CF server, they would
all come from the same IP (the firewall/router)  Then you'd only need to
enable that one IP address.  Any other network gurus feel free to chime
in.  Or if this is somehow in violation of the license, feel free to
chime as well.


-----Original Message-----
From: Stan Winchester [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 1:37 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: ColdFusion Developer Edition

I would love to see the IP restriction increased to say 10 IP's like the
dev edition of SQL Server!!! My sons are coming home from college soon
and they will be working for me this summer, but it is such a pain to
have CF installed on all their systems, when I would rather have them
access one dev server. I am actually setting a server with BD 6 hoping
it will help, realizing their are differences between BD 6 & CFMX. It
won't be perfect, but it may be better than multiple installs of CF on
their local systems. I may install CFMX on the server too if they
absolutely need to test on CFMX, but obviously we will have to restart
CFMX for them to take turns accessing CFMX.
>We've had threads on this before --- Macromedia may want to rethink the

>Developer Version IP limit in light of what others are doing:
> New Atlanta
> Sybase_ASE
> Microsoft
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