At 03:11 PM 5/18/2004, you wrote:
>Hello all,
>I am using ColdFusionMX on Solaris8/9
>I need to query some resources that do not respond in a timely manner
>and as a fix, I can not cache the data.
>So what I would like to do is submit the request(queryies) to the
>various backend systems, then respond to the user with something like
>"Preparing results.  One moment please..."
>Then I would like to auto-submit the page about every 1 to 2 seconds to
>determine what responses have been fullfilled and update the client with
>a status of which requests have been completed and which requests are
>still working.
>Is this possible with CFMX?
>I would presume this would require some multi-threading, etc.
>Thanks for you help.
>Troy Simpson
>    Applications Analyst/Programmer, OCPDBA, MCSE, SCSA
>North Carolina State University Libraries
>Campus Box 7111 | Raleigh | North Carolina
>ph.919.515.3855 | fax.919.513.3330
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