Pages loaded in IFrames are loaded asynchronously from the main page.

If you have three jobs, you might create a main page with three IFRAMES.  Set the src of the IFrames to a page which will do one specific task (I'll call this a sub-page for now).  The sub-page can use _javascript_ to update the parent as needed.  So, if you had a table that indicated the state of each job, you can set the initial state when the page loads, and call the appropriate action page in the iframe(s).  Then when a task/sub-page is complete, get a reference to the parent page element and change it's value accordingly.

I've used IFrames for this type of behavior for some time now, and find it very handy.  There are a few gotcha's of course, but overall it's simple enough to put in place.  I guess the only real catch is if your target browser doesn't support IFrames.



-----Original Message-----
From: Troy Simpson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 4:36 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: How would I do this?

Oh, one other thing.

How could I submit several requests to various back-end systems (RDBMS,
IMAP, HTTP, etc. ) simultaneously.

For example, I want to execute the following request simultaneously.
All requests are independent of others.  So I do not have to wait for
one come back before processing the next on.
1. query on RDBMS_1,
2. run another query on RDBMS_2,
3. request an http page from a web server,
4. query an LDAP server.

It does not matter which process comes back first/last.  It does not
matter if one of them fails.

I did not want to execute them procedurally.  If they do excute
procedurally, then I would have to wait for a prior request to complete
before moving own to the next request.

Can ColdFusion do this?


Troy Simpson wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am using ColdFusionMX on Solaris8/9
> I need to query some resources that do not respond in a timely manner
> and as a fix, I can not cache the data.
> So what I would like to do is submit the request(queryies) to the
> various backend systems, then respond to the user with something like
> "Preparing results.  One moment please..."
> Then I would like to auto-submit the page about every 1 to 2 seconds to
> determine what responses have been fullfilled and update the client with
> a status of which requests have been completed and which requests are
> still working.
> Is this possible with CFMX?
> I would presume this would require some multi-threading, etc.
> Thanks for you help.
> --
> Troy Simpson
>    Applications Analyst/Programmer, OCPDBA, MCSE, SCSA
> North Carolina State University Libraries
> Campus Box 7111 | Raleigh | North Carolina
> ph.919.515.3855 | fax.919.513.3330
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