An idea that I had may be to hold some sort of structure with the ad
information and a value for priority.  Each time the ad is shown (by
random selection), the priority gets bumped down one. (ie. Priority
starts at 5 for an expensive ad meaning it gets shown 5 times for every
1 time that a cheap ad is shown)  Once it hits 0 it's removed from the
struct altogether to ensure that all ads get shown.  Once all ads have
been shown and there's nothing left in the structure, you would re-query
the original ad list and reset the priority number and start all over


This should support a ton of ads and give a sure-fire way for everyone
to be seen and not put it at chance that the cheap ads might get seen in
between all of the expensive ads, however, the expensive ones would
still get seen more often.

John Burns

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 5:08 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: ad weights

Here's a fun task. I'm building pay per click ads for HoF (in place of
banner ads and yes, the list ads are coming off). One thing is that I
need to give each ad a weight in relation to another to show how often
it should come up. I've thought of a few ideas and wanted to hear what
others think.
Basically, there's a table of ads that's dumped into an application
array for caching. The question is, how to dump the ads in order to give
'high paying' ads more show than 'low paying' (or free) ads.
This is one idea:
When this table is dumped into an application array, a position in the
array is given for each ad for each dollar (or part) it has.
    .01 is 1 position.
    $1 is 1 position.
    $1.01 is 2 positions.
This is rather simple and works well for small amounts of ads, but when
you get a lot, it fails.
ex: 99 ads at .01 and 1 ad at $5 will equal an array of 104 items. The
big paying ad has a greater chance of being seen in relation to any
other ad, but is buried under all the low paying ads.
Another idea is to have sub arrays for each price grouping. In this
example, the chances of a $5 text ad coming up is far greater than a $1
ad and if a $5 comes up, then it'll be one of several $5 ads. This may
work and I'm building it now.
Michael Dinowitz
House of Fusion
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