How is this:

Evaluate("SELPROJECT" & issueID)

(issueID is a variable)

Equal to this?:

Error resolving parameter SELPROJECTFORM.IDLISTA

Here is the whole code:

<cfloop index="issueID" list="FORM.idListA">
<cfquery datasource="Tribal_Matrix" name="getProject">
FROM v_Project
WHERE Project_Nm = #StructFind(FORM,Evaluate("SELPROJECT" & issueID))#

Basically I'm looping thru a list of numbers.  All the FORM fields have established names with one of these numbers at the end, I'd like to loop thru those field names in groups based on the number at the end.
So the one in question above would look like FORM[SELPROJECT45]

Perhaps I need an explanation of how Evaluate() works...and variables in loops too.  Thanks for any help!
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