On May 26, 2004, at 11:26 AM, Jeff Langevin wrote:
>  How would I even begin (and can it even be done) to strip out the HTML
>  that I don't want?

<cfset CleanData = Mid( UncleanData, find("<table id=""findthisone"">",
UncleanData) -1, find("</table><!--findthisone-->", UncleanData) + 8)>

This is based on using the function Mid to pluck out a piece of a
string.  It takes three arguments: the string to search, the start
position and the end position.  To find the start position you should
search for the relevant code, e.g. "<table id=""findthisone"">" (the
double-doublequotes are so we can have doublequotes within the string
itself), and then I do something similar to get the end position (I add
8 to this one to get past the actual </table> tag).

Give it a shot.
Damien McKenna - Web Developer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Limu Company - http://www.thelimucompany.com/ - 407-804-1014
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