Here is what I do.
1. d:\wwwroot\components setup a mapping to this directory called
components or something.
2. each website has it's own folder for components under this directory.
For example.
3. In d:\wwwroot\components there is also a file that is used by all
applications for my udfs. cfcremotedocumenter.cfm is also in this directory.
4. Inside that folder I have one folder and two files. The first file is
a config.xml file. The second is a factory.cfc.
5. The config.xml file contains variables that you would normally setup
in your application.cfm file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
6. The factory.cfc contains the following.
<cfcomponent extends="components.udfs">
* Includes file that documents this component.
<cfset instance.documentedAccessLevels='private,package,public,remote'>
<cfinclude template="../cfcremotedocumenter.cfm">
* Initializes local variables used within this component.
<cfset init()>
<cfdirectory action="">
<cffunction name="init" access="public" returntype="struct" output="false"
hint="Global Variables used within component.">
<cfset var initReturn=structNew()>
<cfset var objXML=''>
<cfset var idx=1>
<cffile action="" charset="utf-8"
listLast(getCurrentTemplatePath(), '\'), 'config.xml')#"
<cfset objXML=xmlParse(objXML)>
<cfset objXML=xmlSearch(objXML, '/config/')>
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(objXML[1].xmlChildren)#" index="idx">
<cfreturn initReturn>
<cffunction name="getVars" access="public" returntype="any" output="false"
hint="Returns the global vars initialized in the init() function.">
<cfset var getVarsReturn=init()>
<cfreturn getVarsReturn>
<cfoutput query="qry_getFunctionIncludes">
<cfinclude template="function_includes/#name#">
7. There is a function_includes for each application under
8. Inside that folder I have all my functions. I split the files up into
logical function sets and make them a cfml page that is included by
factory.cfc. For example:
9. In the root Application.cfm file I have the following.
<cfapplication name="myweb1" clientmanagement="yes"
sessionmanagement="yes" sessiontimeout="#createTimeSpan(0,0,20,0)#"
applicationtimeout="#createTimeSpan(0,0,20,0)#" loginstorage="session"
if(not isDefined('application.factory') or isDefined('url.reinit')) {
10. Now you have access to any function in any page of your application.
<cfdump var="#request.factory#">
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- does this violate good form for components? Michael Hodgdon
- RE: does this violate good form for components? Bryan F. Hogan
- RE: does this violate good form for components? Jim Davis
- Re: does this violate good form for components? Bryan F. Hogan
- Re: does this violate good form for component... Michael Hodgdon
- RE: does this violate good form for component... Jim Davis
- Re: does this violate good form for compo... Michael Hodgdon